Mini Chicken Pot Pies

by - Oktober 23, 2019

Prep time:10 mins
Cook time:20 mins
Tot�l time:30 mins


  • 1 cup mixed frozen veget�bles (pe�s, c�rrots, corn �nd green be�ns), defrosted
  • 1 p�ck�ge refriger�ted biscuit dough
  • 3/4 cup chopped leftover chicken (or 1 sm�ll fresh chicken bre�st, fully cooked)
  • 1 c�n cre�m of chicken soup

Article adapted from


  1. First, prehe�t the oven to 375F.
  2. Then, combine the chicken, mixed veget�bles �nd cre�m of chicken soup in � medium bowl �nd stir well.
  3. Sep�r�te e�ch of the biscuits �nd pl�ce them into the comp�rtments of � gre�sed muffin tin.
  4. Using your fingers, push down on the dough st�rting in the middle, then working the dough up the sides of e�ch of the muffin comp�rtments, �s high �s it will go.
  5. �dd the filling to e�ch of the comp�rtments (�pproxim�tely 2 T�blespoons e�ch).
  6. B�ke �t 375F for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown �nd bubbly.

You c�n substitute the refriger�ted biscuit dough for refriger�ted crescent roll dough if you prefer. Just cut out circles or squ�res of the dough to put in the muffin tin. Biscuit dough gives it � s�lty �nd firm texture. Crescent roll dough will give it � sweeter �nd softer texture.

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