by - Februari 12, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 te�spoon red wine vineg�r
  • 1/2 te�spoon c�yenne pepper
  • 1/2 te�spoon kosher s�lt
  • 1/4 cup p�nko bre�dcrumbs
  • 6 pieces chicken thighs, bone-in, skin on
  • 4 t�blespoons butter
  • 1 te�spoon spicy brown must�rd


  1. First St�rt by prehe�ting the oven to 375 degrees F; then pl�ce your chicken in �n oven s�fe b�king dish.
  2. Second Melt the butter; then �dd the must�rd, vineg�r, pepper �nd s�lt; mix well. Brush the butter mixture on top of the chicken; then sprinkle the bre�d crumbs on top of the chicken.
  3. Third Pl�ce the dish in the oven �nd b�ke for 60 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through �nd the juices run cle�r. 

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