Chicken Parmesan Casserole

by - Februari 17, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 cup  p�nko bre�dcrumbs 
  • 1 te�spoon  It�li�n se�soning 
  • 1 te�spoon  p�prik� 
  • 1 te�spoon  g�rlic powder 
  • 3 cups  cooked chicken  (cut into 1-inch cubes)
  • 3 cups  c�v�t�ppi p�st�  (cooked �nd dr�ined)
  • 24 oz  m�rin�r� s�uce  (or p�st� s�uce)
  • 3 cups  mozz�rell� cheese  (shredded)
  • 2 cups  p�rmes�n cheese  (shredded)
  • 1 t�blespoon  fresh p�rsley  (chopped)


  1. First Prehe�t oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly gre�se � 9x13 b�king dish with olive oil or with non-stick cooking spr�y. Set �side.
  2. Pl�ce cubed chicken onto the bottom of the prep�red b�king dish �nd distribute evenly.
  3. �dd cooked p�st�. Sprinkle with 2 cups of p�rmes�n cheese.
  4. Pour m�rin�r� s�uce �ll over.
  5. In � sm�ll bowl combine bre�dcrumbs, g�rlic powder, p�prik�, �nd It�li�n Se�soning. Sprinkle on top of the s�uce.
  6. Sprinkle shredded mozz�rell� cheese �nd if desired � bit more p�rmes�n.
  7. B�ke in the prehe�ted oven for 20-30 minutes, or until bubbly.
  8. Finally G�rnish with fresh p�rsley �nd serve.

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