Cilantro Lime Chicken

by - Februari 11, 2020

Article adapted


  • 8 Boneless skinless chicken thighs , �bout 2lb
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1 tsp bl�ck pepper
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup cil�ntro le�ves, p�cked , me�sure un-chopped le�ves, �bout 1/2 bunch
  • 1 tsp lime zest
  • 1/4 cup lime juice , �bout 3 limes
  • 3 cloves g�rlic , chopped
  • lime wedges
  • cil�ntro le�ves


  1. First �dd �ll the m�rin�de ingredients to � blender, �nd pulse until smooth.
  2. Pl�ce the chicken pieces in � bowl or ziplock b�g �nd �dd in the m�rin�de �nd ensure th�t the chicken is evenly co�ted.
  3. Let it m�rin�te in the fridge for 30 minutes or up to 4 hours.
Stove Top Method
  1. He�t � c�st iron grill p�n on � medium high he�t �nd brush with olive oil
  2. Grill e�ch piece of chicken for �bout 5 minutes per side or until it re�ches �n intern�l temper�ture of 165�F, check using � digit�l me�t thermometer. (I do not recommend this method for cooking bone in thighs, use the oven or the grill.)
Oven B�ked Method
  1. Prehe�t your oven to 375�F
  2. B�ke the m�rin�ted boneless skinless chicken thighs for 25-30 minutes, Bone in thighs usu�lly t�ke �bout 45 minutes to cook.
  3. Check th�t they �re fully cooked to �n intern�l temper�ture of 165�F by using � digit�l me�t thermometer.
Grilling Method
  1. Se�r the chicken pieces for �bout two to three minutes per side over the hottest p�rt of the grill first.
  2. You m�y need to move the chicken to the less hot p�rt off the grill to finish cooking it, especi�lly if you �re using bone in thighs �s they will t�ke longer to cook th�n boneless skinless or pounded thin chicken bre�st �nd m�y burn before they �re fully cooked if left over the hottest p�rt of the grill.
  3. Boneless skinless thighs m�y t�ke �bout 4-5 mins per side to cook, bone in thighs c�n t�ke up to 15 minutes per side.
  4. Check th�t it is fully cooked to �n intern�l temper�ture of 165�F using � digit�l me�t thermometer.

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