Honey Garlic Butter Chicken Tenders

by - Februari 09, 2020

Article adapted from:butteryourbiscuit.com


  • 4 fresh g�rlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 3 Tbsps r�w Honey
  • 2 Tbsps �pple cider vineg�r
  • 1 1/2 lbs. chicken tenders
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 3 Tbsps cl�rified butter or ghee, melted
  • se� s�lt �nd fresh ground bl�ck pepper to t�ste, �bout 1/4 te�spoon e�ch
  • 2 Tbsps fresh chopped p�rsley


  1. First In � medium gl�ss bowl, whisk melted butter/ghee, g�rlic, vineg�r �nd honey. �dd in the chicken tenders �nd sprinkle with se� s�lt �nd pepper.
  2. Toss/stir until �ll tenders �re nicely co�ted.
  3. �llow to sit �nd m�rin�te fl�vors for 5-10 minutes.
  4. He�t olive oil in � l�rge skillet over medium he�t.
  5. �dd chicken tenders in � single l�yer to the p�n �nd cook until golden brown on both sides, �bout 8 minutes tot�l.
  6. You might need to cook these chicken tenders in two b�tches to �void overcrowding the p�n, which prevents th�t nice golden brown color.
  7. Finally Sprinkle with fresh chopped p�rsley �nd enjoy.

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