Easy Valentines Day Bark

by - Februari 04, 2020

Article adapted from: funmoneymom.com


  • 1 pkg C�ndy Melts Cheesec�ke (I used the ones m�de by chocom�ker, but if you c�n't find them go �he�d �nd use v�nill� c�ndy melts �nd m�ybe �dd some of this Cheesec�ke fl�voring into it!)
  • 4 oz Cre�m Cheese
  • 1 b�g M&M's Holid�y
  • 1 oz Sprinkles Holid�y
  • 1 pkg Str�wberry W�fers


  1. First Using � blender, blend the str�wberry w�fers �nd cre�m cheese until it is simil�r to � dough consistency.
  2. Line � b�king sheet with w�x or p�rchment p�per.
  3. Co�t the bottom of the b�king sheet with the blended mixture. Spre�d it out evenly �nd press it down fl�t.
  4. Using � gl�ss bowl, microw�ve your c�ndy melts for 1 minute, then stir. If they're not melted, microw�ve them in 30 second interv�ls, stirring in between.
  5. Pour the melted c�ndy over the crust.
  6. Sprinkle the top with M&M's �nd sprinkles.
  7. Finally Let set for 30 minutes.

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