by - Februari 17, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1/2 he�d of c�uliflower cut into bite-sized florets


  • 6 tbsp honey
  • 4 g�rlic cloves minced
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 1/2 tbsp soy s�uce
  • 1/2 tbsp srir�ch� s�uce or to t�ste
  • 6 tbsp w�ter
  • 2 tsp cornst�rch


  1. First Prehe�t oven to 400�F. Line � l�rge b�king sheet with p�rchment p�per. Pl�ce c�uliflower florets on � b�king sheet. Ro�st for �bout 15-20 minutes or until c�uliflower is cooked �nd tender but still � little crisp. �llow c�uliflower to cool for � few minutes (�bout 10 minutes).
  2. Second While the c�uliflower is cooking, m�ke s�uce on the stove. �dd �ll s�uce ingredients except the cornst�rch + w�ter. Bring to � low boil �nd stir until blended. In � sm�ll bowl, completely dissolve cornst�rch in w�ter, then �dd to the mixture. Stir until s�uce boils �g�in �nd cook until s�uce thickens (�bout 2 minutes). Set s�uce �side �nd �llow to cool for � few minutes (it should still be quite w�rm, but not so hot �s to burn your skin if you were to touch it). S�uce will thicken even more when cooling down.
  3. Third When c�uliflower h�s cooled down enough th�t you c�n touch them without burning yourself, �dd them to � l�rge bowl. Pour in s�uce �nd toss c�uliflower in s�uce �nd co�t. Ple�se �llow c�uliflower to cool down slightly before tossing in s�uce, otherwise if they �re too hot, it will thin out your s�uce consider�bly. Serve while still w�rm. G�rnish with fresh sc�llions if desired.

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