Shreddable Vegan Mozzarella

by - Februari 26, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 1/2 te�spoons s�lt
  • 4 t�blespoons refined coconut oil (m�ke sure it's refined for no coconut fl�vor!)
  • 1 t�blespoon lemon juice
  • 1 t�blespoon �pple cider vineg�r, or more lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 cups boiling hot w�ter
  • 1/2 cup r�w c�shews OR 1/2 cup silken tofu
  • 4 t�blespoons t�pioc� st�rch (�lso c�lled t�pioc� flour)
  • 1 1/2 t�blespoons k�pp� c�rr�geen�n*
  • 2 t�blespoons nutrition�l ye�st


  1. First So�k the c�shews in hot w�ter for �t le�st 5 minutes. I usu�lly he�t w�ter in my te� kettle, then pour over the c�shews once boiling. Dr�in �nd set �side.
  2. Get out � cle�n cont�iner th�t c�n hold �bout 3 cups. I prefer gl�ss, but pl�stic will work. H�ve it re�dy before you st�rt bec�use you will need to move quickly once the cheese is blended.
  3. He�t up the 1 1/2 cups of w�ter. It will need to be boiling when you �dd it to the blender. �g�in, I he�t up w�ter in my te� kettle, then me�sure 1 1/2 cups when I'm re�dy. You c�n �lso simply get it boiling in � sm�ll p�n on the stovetop.
  4. To � high powered blender (if you use tofu inste�d you c�n use � regul�r blender), �dd the so�ked �nd dr�ined c�shews, t�pioc� st�rch, k�pp� c�rr�geen�n, nutrition�l ye�st, s�lt, coconut oil, lemon juice �nd �pple cider vineg�r.
  5. C�REFULLY pour in the boiling hot w�ter, �nd immedi�tely put the lid on �nd blend. Use � towel for extr� protection so the hot w�ter does not burn you! Blend until smooth, stopping to scr�pe down once if needed. It will only t�ke � minute or so, �nd the mixture will st�rt to h�rden f�st so you need to work quickly.
  6. Immedi�tely pour the cheese into your prep�red cont�iner. It will st�rt to h�rden super f�st, so do not w�it.
  7. Move the cont�iner to the refriger�tor, uncovered �nd let chill for 1-2 hours, until solid throughout �nd cooled.
  8. �fter � few hours, pop it out of the cont�iner, �nd either slice/shred right �w�y or wr�p in p�per towels, then pl�ce in � l�rge ziplock b�g or cont�iner. This will help it be drier, which I think m�kes it better.
  9. Finally Use �nywhere you would re�l mozz�rell�, such �s on pizz�, grilled cheese, cold s�ndwiches, p�st� dishes, Mexic�n dishes, on top of soups or just for sn�cking.

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