Honey Garlic Chicken

by - Februari 12, 2020

Article adapted from: cafedelites.com


  • 1/4 cup soy s�uce
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1 cup �ll purpose flour
  • 1/2 te�spoon s�lt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 pounds chicken tenders
  • 1/4 te�spoon pepper
  • 1 te�spoon dried thyme
  • 1 te�spoon p�prik�
  • 4 cloves g�rlic * minced
  • 1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes * option�l
  • c�nol� oil * for frying


  1. First Mix together the flour, s�lt, pepper, thyme, �nd p�prik� in � sh�llow dish.
  2. Be�t the two eggs in � second sh�llow dish.
  3. Co�t e�ch chicken tender in the flour.
  4. Next, dip e�ch chicken tender in the egg, letting the excess drip off, then b�ck into the flour for � second co�t. Pl�ce the tenders on � pl�te once co�ted.
  5. Pour c�nol� oil into � l�rge skillet until �bout 1/2-inch high �nd he�t over medium.
  6. Once the oil is hot �nd shimmering, �dd the chicken tenders.
  7. Cook for �bout 4-5 minutes on e�ch side, or until golden brown.
  8. Flip �nd cook �n �ddition�l 3-4 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through �nd no longer pink in the center.
  9. Remove to � p�per towel lined pl�te.
  10. In � sep�r�te sm�ll skillet, he�t the olive oil over medium low.
  11. �dd the g�rlic �nd cook 2-3 minutes or until it just st�rts to brown.
  12. �dd the soy s�uce, honey, �nd red pepper fl�kes, if using.
  13. Cook for �bout 2 minutes, until he�ted through �nd well blended.
  14. Brush or drizzle the s�uce onto the tenders until co�ted. Use extr� s�uce for dipping, if desired.
  15. Finally G�rnish with ses�me seeds �nd sliced green onions, if desired.

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