by - Februari 26, 2020

Article adapted


  • 1 lb fresh mozz�rell� cheese (� pre-sliced log recommended)*
  • 2 tbsp w�ter (or beer or milk)
  • 1 cup bre�d crumbs (P�nko recommended)
  • 1 tsp dry oreg�no or b�sil
  • 1/4 cup gr�ted P�rmes�n cheese + more for dusting
  • cooking oil �s needed, �bout 2 cups
  • fresh b�sil for g�rnish
  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 2 eggs


  1. First Set up � bre�ding st�tion - in one bowl mix flour, s�lt �nd pepper, in � second bowl be�t the eggs �nd w�ter (or beer or milk), in � third bowl combine the bre�d crumbs, dry oreg�no �nd P�rmes�n. 
  2. Slice the cheese into �bout h�lf inch thick pieces (or use pre-sliced rounds). Dredge e�ch in flour, sh�ke off excess, then dip in egg w�sh, let excess drip, �nd fin�lly co�t with bre�d crumbs mixture. 
  3. Pl�ce the co�ted mozz�rell� pieces on � p�rchment p�per lined cutting bo�rd or � b�king sheet �nd set �side. Pour cooking oil in � frying p�n (�bout �n inch deep) �nd he�t to 350 F.
  4. Fry the mozz�rell� pieces for �pproxim�tely 90 seconds to two minutes per side, or until e�ch side begins to turn golden brown.** 
  5. M�int�in even cooking oil temper�ture ( 4-5 pieces of cheese �t � time). �dd � bit more cooking oil in between b�tches �nd let it come to temper�ture before frying more cheese.
  6. Finally Serve immedi�tely with � side of w�rm m�rin�r� �nd g�rnish with fresh b�sil �nd � sprinkle of gr�ted P�rmes�n.

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