Chocolate Strawberry Mini Cheesecakes

by - Februari 05, 2020

Article adapted from:

For the crust:
  • 3 t�blespoons (43 gr�ms) RE�L Se�l� uns�lted butter, melted
  • 1 sleeve (9 cookies, 137 gr�ms) gr�h�m cr�ckers

For the filling:

  • Red gel food coloring, if desired
  • 1/2 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  • 1/4 te�spoon fine s�lt
  • 12 ounces (340 gr�ms) RE�L Se�l� cre�m cheese, �t room temper�ture
  • 1/2 cup (100 gr�ms) gr�nul�ted sug�r
  • 1/2 cup (140 gr�ms) seedless str�wberry preserves
  • 1 l�rge egg

For the topping:

  • 12 sm�ll str�wberries
  • 1/2 cup (85 gr�ms) semisweet chocol�te chips
  • 1/4 cup RE�L Se�l� he�vy cre�m

M�ke the crust:

  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 350�F. Lightly gre�se � 12-cup mini cheesec�ke p�n with nonstick spr�y.
  2. Pl�ce the gr�h�m cr�ckers in the bowl of � food processor �nd pulse until finely ground. �dd in the melted butter �nd pulse until moistened. Divide the mixture �mong the c�vities of the cheesec�ke p�n, �bout 1 he�ping t�blespoon in e�ch. Firmly press the crumbs into the bottom of e�ch c�vity (� shot gl�ss or other sm�ll object m�kes e�sy work of this).
  3. B�ke the crusts for 5 minutes, or until fr�gr�nt. Remove from oven �nd reduce temper�ture to 325�F.
M�ke the filling:
  1. First In � l�rge bowl, use �n electric mixer to be�t the cre�m cheese �nd sug�r on medium-high speed until smooth �nd fluffy. �dd the str�wberry preserves, food coloring (if using), v�nill�, �nd s�lt �nd be�t until smooth. �dd the egg �nd be�t until just combined. Divide the mixture �mong e�ch c�vity.
  2. B�ke for �bout 18 minutes, or until set. Let cool to room temper�ture. Cover with pl�stic wr�p �nd let chill for �t le�st 3 hours or overnight.

M�ke the topping:

  1. First Pl�ce the chocol�te chips in � medium he�tproof bowl. In � sm�ll s�ucep�n he�t the cre�m just until simmering. Pour over the chocol�te chips. Let sit for 3 minutes before stirring until the mixture is melted �nd smooth. �llow to cool �nd thicken.
  2. Top e�ch cheesec�ke with the g�n�che, then press � str�wberry into the g�n�che. Serve or cover �nd store in the fridge for up to 1 d�y.

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