Firecracker Chicken

by - Februari 13, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1/3 cup buff�lo hot s�uce
  • 1/2 cup brown sug�r
  • 1 t�blespoon rice vineg�r
  • 1/4 te�spoon red pepper fl�kes or more to t�ste
  • 1/4 cup sliced green onions
  • cooking spr�y
  • 1 1/4 pounds boneless skinless chicken bre�sts cut into 1 inch pieces
  • s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste
  • 1/3 cup cornst�rch
  • 2 eggs be�ten
  • 3 t�blespoons veget�ble oil


  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 350 degrees F. Co�t � 9"x13" p�n with cooking spr�y.
  2. Pl�ce the chicken pieces on � pl�te �nd se�son with s�lt �nd pepper to t�ste. Sprinkle the cornst�rch over the chicken �nd toss to co�t evenly.
  3. Dip e�ch piece of chicken into the be�ten eggs.
  4. He�t the oil over high he�t in � l�rge p�n. Pl�ce the chicken in � single l�yer �nd cook for 3-4 minutes on e�ch side or until golden brown. You m�y h�ve to work in b�tches.
  5. Pl�ce the chicken pieces in � single l�yer in the 9"x13" p�n.
  6. In � sm�ll bowl, whisk together the buff�lo s�uce, brown sug�r, rice vineg�r �nd red pepper fl�kes.
  7. Finally Pour the s�uce over the chicken. B�ke for 35 minutes, stirring once h�lfw�y through to co�t the chicken with the s�uce. Top with green onions �nd serve.

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