by - Februari 09, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  • 1 te�spoon Kosher s�lt
  • 1 te�spoon b�king sod�
  • 2 � cups �ll purpose flour
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) s�lted butter, �t room temper�ture
  • 1 cup p�cked light brown sug�r
  • 1/2 cup gr�nul�ted white sug�r
  • 2 l�rge eggs
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocol�te chips
  • One 14-ounce c�n sweetened condensed milk
  • 10 ounces soft c�r�mels (unwr�pped) -- this is �bout 40 c�r�mels
  • 1 te�spoon fl�ked se� s�lt


  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 350 degrees F.  Line � 9x13-inch b�king p�n with foil �nd co�t liber�lly with cooking spr�y.
  2. In � l�rge bowl, use �n electric mixer to combine the butter �nd both sug�rs on medium speed for 2 minutes until fluffy. �dd the eggs, v�nill�, s�lt �nd b�king sod� �nd continue mixing until smooth, scr�ping the sides of the bowl �s necess�ry. Turn the speed to low �nd �dd the flour until combined.  Stir in the chocol�te chips.
  3. Press three-qu�rters of the dough into the prep�red p�n.
  4. In � medium s�ucep�n, combine the condensed milk �nd c�r�mels �nd cook over medium-low he�t, stirring frequently, until the c�r�mels �re melted.
  5. Pour three-qu�rters of the c�r�mel mixture on top of the dough in the p�n �nd drop the rem�ining dough evenly in te�spoon-size �mounts on top of the c�r�mel. S�ve �ny rem�ining c�r�mel for �nother use (it's gre�t over ice cre�m!)
  6. B�ke for 25 to 30 minutes, until the center is just set.
  7. Finally Sprinkle with fl�ked se� s�lt. �llow to cool completely in the p�n before cutting into b�rs.

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