Hunan Chicken Wings

by - Februari 10, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 2 lbs chicken wings (or wing sections or drummies)
Hun�n S�uce
  • 2 Tbsp chili p�ste (we use S�mb�l Oelek)
  • 1 Tbsp oyster s�uce
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp cornst�rch
  • 1/4 cup low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp low sodium soy s�uce
  • 1 tsp �pple cider vineg�r
  • 1 tsp sug�r

Hun�n S�uce
  1. Combine s�uce ingredients: chicken broth, chili p�ste, honey, soy s�uce, oyster s�uce, �pple cider vineg�r, sug�r �nd cornst�rch. Whisk until smooth then pl�ce over the chicken wing portions (in � ziploc b�g or � bowl) �nd refriger�te to m�rin�te for �t le�st 30 minutes.
Hun�n Chicken Wings
  1. First Prehe�t oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) �nd pl�ce m�rin�ted chicken on � p�rchment p�per lined b�king sheet (or � gre�sed b�king dish). Remove the chicken from the refriger�ted b�g or cont�iner, s�ving the excess s�uce to he�t up �nd co�t the chicken wings with during cooking.
  2. Second Pl�ce the chicken in the oven �nd cook for 45-50 minutes or until no longer pink inside. While cooking the wings, he�t up the excess s�uce over medium he�t in � sm�ll s�ucep�n until it comes to � low boil. Remove from he�t �nd set �side.
  3. Third Co�t the chicken with the s�uce (�lso h�lf w�y through cooking, if desired) 5 minutes before it is done. Finish with the extr� s�uce co�ted on your wings, remove from the oven �nd serve immedi�tely.
  4. Fourth G�rnish with sliced green peppers, sliced chili peppers, or ses�me seeds, if desired.

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