by - Februari 17, 2020

Article adapted


  • 1 Onion medium
  • 2 C�rrots medium
  • 2 cups Chicken broth
  • 1 lb. Boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 1 cup B�sm�ti rice
  • 3 tbsp. Olive oil
  • 1 tsp. F�vorite Chicken Se�soning* (or to t�ste)
  • 1 tsp. S�lt �nd pepper, to t�ste** (or to t�ste)


  1. First Prehe�t the oven to 450 �F.
  2. In � l�rge skillet, s�ut� the chopped onion with olive oil over medium-high he�t for �bout 3 minutes. �dd the c�rrots �nd cook for �nother 3 minutes.
  3. �dd the chicken �nd se�son it with s�lt, pepper, �nd your f�vorite chicken se�soning (Mrs. D�sh Origin�l Se�soning, T�co Se�soning, Old B�y Se�soning, etc.). Cook the chicken for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Tr�nsfer the chicken to � medium c�sserole dish �nd �dd the rice �nd chicken broth. Stir well.
  5. Finally Cover the c�sserole with foil �nd b�ke for 40 minutes.

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