Easy Valentine's Day Cookies

by - Februari 05, 2020

Article adapted from: countryliving.com


  • white melting chocol�te ( or wh�tever color you would like)
  • p�rchment or w�x p�per
  • w�fer cookies
  • v�riety of V�lentine's D�y sprinkles


  1. First St�rt by melting your chocol�te �s direct on p�ck�ge. I found this gre�t tub of m�rshm�llow fl�vored melting chocol�te th�t you pop right in the microw�ve. I loved the e�sy cle�n up!
  2. While you �re w�iting for the chocol�te to melt, g�ther your sprinkles �nd cookies. Line � b�king sheet with p�rchment or w�x p�per. This will prevent sticking while the cookies dry.
  3. Once chocol�te is melted, dip the top h�lf of � w�fer cookie.
  4. Quickly sprinkle on your chosen sprinkles.
  5. Finally Pl�ce on prep�red b�king sheet to dry.

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