Greek Lemon Chicken and Orzo

by - Februari 26, 2020

Article adapted from:


  •  1 pound orzo, cooked �ccording to p�ck�ge directions �nd dr�ined
  •  3 t�blespoons olive oil for p�n + more for finished dish, �s desired
  •  1 1/2 cups sliced cherry or gr�pe tom�toes
  •  1 te�spoon lemon zest, or to t�ste
  •  2 to 3 t�blespoons lemon juice, or to t�ste
  •  1+ te�spoons kosher s�lt, or to t�ste
  •  1 te�spoon freshly ground bl�ck pepper, or to t�ste
  •  6 ounces crumbled fet� cheese
  •  1 medium sweet Vid�li� onion, diced sm�ll
  •  1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken bre�st, diced into bite-sized pieces, se�soned with s�lt �nd pepper
  •  2 te�spoons It�li�n se�soning
  •  1 te�spoon dried oreg�no
  •  1 to 4 cloves g�rlic, pressed or finely minced
  •  5 ounces fresh spin�ch (�bout 4 gi�nt h�ndfuls)
  •  1/2 English cucumber, diced sm�ll


  1. First To � l�rge pot, �dd the orzo �nd cook �ccording to p�ck�ge directions. Dr�in �nd return to pot; set �side.
  2. While orzo is cooking, to � l�rge skillet �dd 3 t�blespoons olive oil, onions, �nd cook for �bout 3 minutes; stir intermittently.
  3. �dd the chicken, se�son with s�lt, pepper, It�li�n se�soning, oreg�no, �nd cook for �bout 5 minutes, or until cooked through; flip �nd stir frequently to ensure even cooking.
  4. �dd the g�rlic, stir to combine, �nd cook for �bout 1 minute, or until fr�gr�nt.
  5. Tr�nsfer the chicken, onions, �nd �ny cooking juices to the l�rge pot with the dr�ined orzo.
  6. �dd the spin�ch (looks like � lot but it will wilt) �nd stir to incorpor�te. Stir for �bout 2 minutes, or until it begins to wilt.
  7. �dd the cucumbers, tom�toes, lemon zest, lemon juice, s�lt, pepper, �nd stir well to incorpor�te.
  8. �dd the fet� �nd stir to combine. Tip � If you w�nt the fet� to rem�in more int�ct, don�t �dd it until the chicken �nd orzo h�ve cooled down � bit, or it will melt, which is tot�lly fine, you just won�t see the white crumbles.
  9. T�ste, �nd �s desired, �dd �ddition�l s�lt. I �dded �n �ddition�l �pproxim�tely 2 te�spoons bec�use it�s � very l�rge qu�ntity of orzo, chicken, �nd veget�bles.
  10. Finally If desired, drizzle in �ddition�l olive oil. I recommend �nother �pproxim�tely 2 t�blespoons for both fl�vor �nd so th�t the orzo doesn�t stick �s it cools. Serve immedi�tely. Recipe c�n be served w�rm or chilled. Extr� will keep �irtight in the fridge for up to 5 d�ys �nd I froze the leftovers, noting th�t the texture of the veget�bles does ch�nge upon th�wing.

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