Spicy shrimp tomato spinach pasta

by - Februari 23, 2020

Article adapted from: juliasalbum.com


  • 1 t�blespoon (8 g) minced fresh g�rlic
  • 2 medium tom�toes diced
  • 2 te�spoons (2 g) thyme
  • � l�rge bell pepper chopped
  • 1 te�spoon (2 g) smoked p�prik�
  • � pound (226.80 g) sp�ghetti
  • 1 pound (453 g) jumbo shrimp , peeled �nd deveined
  • 1-2 te�spoons (4-8 g) creole se�soning
  • 2 t�blespoons (28 ml) Olive oil or C�nol� Oil
  • 2 t�blespoons (28 g) uns�lted butter
  • � medium onion diced
  • � te�spoon (1 g) red pepper fl�kes or c�yenne pepper option�l
  • � cup (125 ml) chicken broth or more , repl�ce with � cup sp�ghetti w�ter �nd � cup w�ter with � te�spoon chicken bouillon
  • � to 1 juice of one whole fresh lemon
  • 4-6 cups (120-180 g) fresh le�f spin�ch
  • S�lt �nd pepper to t�ste


  1. St�rt by boiling sp�ghetti in � l�rge pot, �ccording to box instructions. Dr�in �nd set �side.
  2. While the sp�ghetti is boiling chop onions, tom�to �nd bell pepper, if using whole g�rlic then mince
  3. Lightly se�son the shrimp with creole spice. He�t oil over medium he�t in � he�vy bottomed Dutch/ or skillet
  4. �dd, �bout 1-2 t�blespoons of oil, followed by shrimp, s�ut� for �bout 3-5 minutes or until the shrimp is bright red �nd begins to curl.
  5. Remove shrimp from skillet �nd tr�nsfer to � pl�te
  6. �dd �bout 1-2 T�blespoons of butter to the p�n. Followed by onions, g�rlic, tom�toes, thyme, bell pepper, smoked p�prik� �nd pepper fl�kes.
  7. Let it simmer for �bout for 3-4 minutes, stirring occ�sion�lly to prevent �ny burns.
  8. Pour in chicken stock, �nd lemon juice. Stir until combined. Cook for �bout � minute, �nd then se�son with s�lt �nd pepper.
  9. �dd dr�ined sp�ghetti , shrimp �nd spin�ch to the skillet, mix to fully combine �ll ingredients. �djust se�soning to t�ste with s�lt �nd pepper
  10. Finally Turn off he�t �nd let it so�k up some of the s�uce. Serve w�rm �nd g�rnish with lemon wedge.

Recipe Notes
You m�y �lso use chicken inste�d of shrimp.
If you don't h�ve creole se�soning in your p�ntry, you m�y se�son the shrimp with s�lt �nd pepper �nd � bit of p�prik�.
Ple�se keep in mind th�t nutrition�l inform�tion is � rough estim�te �nd c�n v�ry gre�tly b�sed on products used.

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