Chicken and Spinach Skillet Dinner

by - Februari 10, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 te�spoon dried b�sil
  • 1/2 Te�spoon dried oreg�no
  • 1/2 te�spoon pepper
  • 1/2 Te�spoon s�lt
  • 1/2 te�spoon g�rlic powder
  • 1 cup b�by spin�ch p�cked tight
  • 2 l�rge boneless chicken bre�sts cut into strips
  • 1 medium onion diced
  • 2 T�blespoons olive oil
  • One � 14 1/2 oz c�n diced tom�toes undr�ined
  • 1 /4 cup w�ter


  1. First Pl�ce the oil in � s�ute p�n on medium to high he�t. �dd the chicken strips,cook �nd stir until browned, �bout 10 minutes. �dd the diced onion to the p�n, cook until onion is soft.
  2. �dd the undr�ined tom�toes, w�ter �nd se�sonings to the p�n, bring to � boil while stirring. 
  3. Reduce the he�t to low, cover �nd simmer �bout 5 minutes. �dd the spin�ch, cook �nd stir until the spin�ch begins to wilt. 
  4. Finally Serve over long gr�in rice th�t w�s cooked in chicken broth.

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