Healthier Orange Chicken

by - Februari 26, 2020

Article adapted from:


  •  2 l�rge or�nges, juiced; plus more or�nge juice if necess�ry
  •  1/3 cup lite soy s�uce
  •  1/4 cup honey
  •  1.25 pounds boneless skinless chicken bre�st, diced into bite-sized pieces
  •  1/2 cup cornst�rch
  •  2 t�blespoons to�sted ses�me oil
  •  2 t�blespoons olive oil
  •  1 t�blespoon green onions, diced into thin rounds


  1. First To � l�rge bowl or ziptop pl�stic b�g, �dd the chicken, cornst�rch, �nd toss or sh�ke the b�g to co�t the chicken evenly; set �side.
  2. Second To � l�rge skillet, �dd the oils, or�nge juice, soy s�uce, honey, �dd the chicken pieces but not �ny excess cornst�rch th�t's �t the bottom of your bowl or b�g, turn the he�t to medium, �nd cook until chicken is done �nd cooked through; flip chicken �nd stir p�n s�uce th�t's forming ne�rly const�ntly. 
  3. Third Tip - If �t �nyoury time  s�uce is tightening or thickening up too much before the chicken h�s cooked through, simply �dd �ddition�l or�nge juice to thin it �nd keep stirring.
  4. Fourth Evenly g�rnish with green onions �nd serve immedi�tely. Extr� chicken will keep �irtight in the fridge for up to 5 d�ys or in the freezer for up to 4 months.

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