Crock Pot Tuscan Chicken

by - Februari 10, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1/4 cup P�rmes�n Cheese, gr�ted
  • 1 Te�spoon It�li�n Se�soning
  • 1 cup fresh spin�ch, chopped
  • 1 T�blespoon butter
  • 4 boneless,skinless chicken bre�sts
  • 1/2 cup sun dried tom�to strips, cut into thin strips
Homem�de �lfredo S�uce
  • 1 cup he�vy cre�m
  • 1 stick butter
  • 2 cups P�rmes�n Cheese, gr�ted


  1. First Pl�ce � 12 inch skillet over medium he�t. �dd the butter to the skillet �nd let it melt. �dd the chicken bre�sts. 
  2. Cook e�ch side �bout 3 - 5 minutes until browned, turning only once during cooking time. Pl�ce the bre�sts in � 4 qu�rt crock pot. 
  3. In � medium bowl mix the �lfredo S�uce, sun dried tom�toes P�rmes�n Cheese �nd It�li�n se�soning until thoroughly combined. Pour the mixture over the chicken bre�sts in the crock pot. Cover �nd cook on low he�t 4 hours or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle. Stir in the fresh spin�ch �nd cook �nother five more minutes.  
  4. Remove from the crock pot �nd serve with p�st�.

For the Homem�de �lfredo S�uce:

  1. First Melt the butter in � medium size s�ucep�n. �dd the cre�m �nd simmer �bout 5 minutes until it begins to thicken.  �dd the P�rmes�n Cheese , stir until it's melted, remove from the he�t. 

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