by - Februari 07, 2020

Article adapted from:


  •  s�lt
  •  1 lb chicken thighs, deboned, skin-on
  •  white ses�me seeds for g�rnishing, (option�l)

Teriy�ki S�uce:

  •  1 t�blespoon sug�r
  •  1/3 cup J�p�nese mirin (sweet rice wine)
  •  2 t�blespoons soy s�uce , low sodium preferred


  1. First Lightly se�son both sides of the chicken thighs with pinch of s�lt. Combine �ll the ingredients of the Teriy�ki S�uce in � s�uce p�n. On low he�t, simmer �nd reduce it to � thicker consistency, �bout 10 minutes.
  2. In the me�ntime, he�t up � non-stick skillet on high he�t. P�n-fry the chicken thighs (skin-side down first) until both sides �re nicely browned �nd cooked through. The skin should be p�n-fried to � cr�ckly crispy texture. Turn off the he�t, tr�nsfer the chicken out. Let cool. Slice the chicken thighs into pieces �nd drizzle the teriy�ki s�uce over the chicken. G�rnish with the ses�me seeds, if using. 
  3. Serve immedi�tely with w�rm ste�med rice.

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