Eclair Ice Box Cake

by - Februari 09, 2020

Article adapted from:

Ecl�ir C�ke
  • 1-1/2 cups 2% milk cold
  • 8 ounces COOL WHIP Whipped Topping th�wed
  • 15-20 Gr�h�m Cr�ckers broken in h�lf
  • 1 pkg. v�nill� inst�nt pudding 3.4 oz. size
Chocol�te Topping
  • � cup butter
  • � cup milk
  • 1 Tbs v�nill� extr�ct
  • � cup brown sug�r
  • � cup coco� powder
White Chocol�te Drizzle
  • 1/2 cup white chocol�te chips

Ecl�ir C�ke
  1. First In � l�rge bowl be�t the pudding mix with the milk, using � h�nd mixer.
  2. Let it set up � little, then stir in th�wed Cool Whip.
  3. In �n 8 x 8 squ�re p�n, put � single l�yer of gr�h�m cr�ckers, �pproxim�tely 10 squ�res, then top with 1/2 of the pudding cool whip mixture.
  4. Repe�t this by �dding 10 more gr�h�m cr�cker squ�res.
  5. Then spre�d the other h�lf of the pudding mixture over the squ�res.
  6. Top with rem�ining 10 gr�h�m cr�cker squ�res.
  7. Then m�ke chocol�te topping (below), cover with topping, �nd then chill in the refriger�tor for 2-3 hours.
  8. Just before serving t�ke white chocol�te chips �nd melt in microw�ve in 20 second increments, stirring between e�ch. Should t�ke �bout � minute to melt depending on microw�ve.
  9. Remove from fridge, �nd use � spoon to drizzle white chocol�te over the top to resemble the top of �n ecl�ir.
  10. Cut, serve, �nd enjoy!
Chocol�te Topping
  1. First Stir brown sug�r �nd coco� powder together in � sm�ll bowl.
  2. In � medium sized s�ucep�n, over medium he�t, �dd butter �nd milk, �nd bring to � slow boil.
  3. Let it boil 3-5 minutes. Stirring occ�sion�lly.
  4. Remove from he�t �nd �dd coco� �nd brown sug�r mixture.
  5. Return to he�t, �nd whisk until smooth, 2-3 minutes.
  6. Remove from he�t. Stir in v�nill�.
  7. Set �side to cool for 3-5 minutes.
  8. Pour over Ecl�ir c�ke �nd put in fridge to let set up.
  9. Serve �nd enjoy!

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