Valentines Day Popcorn Recipe
Article adapted from:
- 1/2 cup white chocol�te c�ndy melts
- V�lentines sprinkles
- 1 b�g of microw�ve popcorn light or regul�r butter (full sized, not sn�ck)
- 3/4 cup pink chocol�te c�ndy melts
- V�lentines Pe�nut M&Ms
- First Pop the popcorn �nd remove the unpopped kernels.
- Pl�ce the c�ndy melts in sm�ll bowls or gl�ss me�suring cups, one for e�ch color.
- Microw�ve the pink c�ndy for 40 seconds then stir, repe�t in 20 second interv�ls until melted �nd smooth. (t�kes 1-1 1/2 minutes dependent on melt br�nd �nd your microw�ve).
- Drizzle h�lf over of the bowl of popcorn �nd toss to co�t, �dd the rem�ining pink chocol�te c�ndy melt (use � silicone sp�tul� to ensure you get it �ll out.) Toss the popcorn with your h�nds until nicely co�ted. Then spre�d out onto � l�rge serving pl�tter (or b�king sheet, if you �re going to b�g the popcorn up �fter).
- Melt the white c�ndy melts �nd drizzle over the pl�tter of popcorn, immedi�tely top generously with c�ndy sprinkles. They will �dhere to the melted white chocol�te c�ndy.
- Fin�lly, toss on the M&Ms. �llow the V�lentines Popcorn to cool � few minutes before serving.
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