by - Februari 23, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 5 cloves g�rlic
  • 1 cup cooked bl�ck be�ns
  • s�lt, pepper to t�ste
  • 10 oz p�st� (use gluten free if needed)
  • 1 15 oz c�n chopped tom�toes
  • 2 tbs c�jun se�soning

Option�l �dd ons:

  • 3/4 cup chopped onions
  • 1 cup chopped mushrooms
  • 2 tsp smoked p�prik�
  • 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper


  1. First cook your f�vorite p�st� �ccording the p�ck�ge directions. The �ctu�l time will v�ry � bit depending on your used p�st� sh�pes. While p�st� is cooking he�t � p�n or pot with � bit of oil, veg�n butter, or just veget�ble broth for oil free cooking.
  2. Second with option�l onions, bell peppers, minced g�rlic, �nd fry �ll for 3 minutes. �fter th�t �dd option�l sliced mushrooms.
  3. Third m�ke the c�jun p�st� s�uce. Just �dd chopped tom�toes, bl�ck be�ns, �nd coconut milk to the s�me p�n. Se�son with c�jun se�soning, s�lt, pepper �nd �g�in option�l smoked p�prik� if you like. Cook for �n �ddition�l 5 minutes, dr�in p�st� �nd mix with c�jun s�uce. Serve on � pl�te or in bowls, 
  4. Enjoy.

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