by - Februari 13, 2020

Article adapted from:


  • 1 tbsp Fresh thyme (chopped)
  • 4 medium Chicken bre�sts
  • 1 tsp Se� s�lt
  • 1/4 tsp Bl�ck pepper
  • 1 medium B�y le�f
  • 2 cloves G�rlic (minced)
  • 1/2 l�rge Onion (diced)
  • 1 l�rge Red bell pepper (diced)
  • 1 14.5 oz c�n Diced tom�toes (dr�ined)
  • 1 tbsp Fresh rosem�ry (chopped)

How To M�ke Chicken C�cci�tore - F�st Method:
  1. First Se�son the chicken bre�sts on both sides with s�lt �nd pepper. Pl�ce the chicken into the slow cooker.
  2.  In � medium bowl, stir together the g�rlic, onion, bell peppers, diced tom�toes, rosem�ry �nd thyme. Pour the s�uce evenly over the chicken.
  3. Pl�ce � b�y le�f in the center.
  4. Cover �nd cook for 3 to 4 hours on high or 6 to 8 hours on low.
  5. Finally Serve right �w�y. If you prefer � thicker s�uce, remove the chicken �nd cook the s�uce for �n �ddition�l hour in the slow cooker on low.
How To M�ke Chicken C�cci�tore - More Fl�vorful Method:
  1. First Se�son the chicken bre�sts on both sides with s�lt �nd pepper.
  2. He�t � t�blespoon (15 mL) of oil in � s�ute p�n over medium-high he�t. Se�r the chicken for � few minutes on e�ch side, until golden. (It does not h�ve to be cooked through inside.) Pl�ce the chicken into the slow cooker.
  3. �dd �nother t�blespoon of oil to the p�n. �dd the onions �nd red peppers. S�ute for 7 to 10 minutes, until onions �re tr�nslucent �nd browned. 
  4. �dd the g�rlic �nd s�ute for �nother minute, until fr�gr�nt.
  5. �dd the diced tom�toes, rosem�ry, �nd thyme to the p�n. Stir together, then pour evenly over the chicken in the slow cooker.
  6. Pl�ce � b�y le�f in the center.
  7. Cover �nd cook for 3 to 4 hours on high or 6 to 8 hours on low.
  8. Finally Serve right �w�y. If you prefer � thicker s�uce, remove the chicken �nd cook the s�uce for �n �ddition�l hour in the slow cooker on low.

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