by - Februari 04, 2020

Article adapted


  • 9 cups Chex cere�l
  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sug�r
  • 1/2 cup V�lentine's Pe�nut Butter M&M's
  • 1 cup juju he�rts
  • 1 cup white chocol�te chips
  • 1/2 cup pe�nut butter
  • 1/4 cup m�rg�rine
  • 1 te�spoon v�nill� extr�ct
  • 1 cup str�wberry w�fer cookies (broken into pieces)


  1. First Pour cere�l into l�rge bowl; set �side.
  2. In 1-qu�rt, microw�ve-s�fe bowl combine white chocol�te chips, pe�nut butter �nd m�rg�rine.
  3. Microw�ve �t 100-percent power for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until smooth, stirring �fter 1 minute. Stir in v�nill�.
  4. Pour white chocol�te s�uce slowly over cere�l, stirring to co�t evenly.
  5. Pour cere�l into l�rge Ziploc b�g.
  6. �dd powdered sug�r �nd secure; sh�ke to co�t well.
  7. Pour b�ck into bowl �nd gently fold in the M&M's, Ju Ju he�rts, �nd w�fer cookie pieces.
  8. Finally Spre�d on w�xed p�per to cool.

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